In the movie, there are two chinese pots on the sideboard. There's a big one near the little tree, and a smaller one with flowers. While discrete, they are essential to complement all the visuals.
I went to some florists looking for something with the same color and shape, but as usual I couldn't find anything. Eventually I bought ceramic vases and painted them by myself.
The challenge was to get a similar color. Because of the movie lighting, the colors of the pots varied between a beige, a dark green and a greyish blue.
I opted for the color that appears in the last scene, where it's at its brightest. It is a light blue, halfway between turquoise.
After painting, I drew some swallows on the side, and applied some varnish. The flowers I bought at a local market. I liked the result! I had already created a vase in art classes, but I had never painted one!
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Ila Fox